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Friday, November 7, 2008

Evolution of Fundamentalists

Evolution and Fundamentalism

Thursday October 23, 2008

Categories: Science and Faith

Pastor (Park Street Church Boston) Daniel Harrell's new book, Nature's Witness: How Evolution Can Inspire Faith (Living Theology), is the book we need. Here is someone who can translate science into theology and theology into science, and do so in engaging, fun, and clear prose.

Here's an opener: "What if, instead of getting all threatened and frightened by scientific advances, we viewed scientific advancement as new vistas for theological consideration, new mountains to explore?" (10) He concludes: "This may sound like a compromised theology. But it's not. It is an adjusted theology, that's nothing new" (132). And: "God is the God of both evolution and the Bible" (134). 


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Emergent Church Promotes "Christian Evolution"

Writing out of a pastoral concern for those struggling to negotiate faith and evolution, Daniel Harrell argues in his new book Nature's Witness: How Evolution Can Inspire Faith (Abingdon Press/Living Theology) that being reliable witnesses to creation helps people of faith be reliable witnesses to its creator. Whether you are a pastor wondering how to talk about these issues with your church, or a student asking whether your biology class makes your faith irrelevant, Harrell's book winsomely leads you on a journey of exploration in which a robust biblical faith can be held along with affirmation of the scientific data for evolution.  more

John MacArthur on “Doing Church”

Source: - "The Paul Edwards Program," WLQV Detroit

Paul Edwards, host of "The Paul Edwards Program" on WLQV in Detroit, interviewed pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church John MacArthur about the emerging church movement in America. Paul begins the interview by asking Pastor John to respond to a radio interview with prominent emerging church leader Doug Pagitt. In the clip from October 22, 2007, Pagitt denied that there is a place of eternal conscious torment for persons who die apart from faith in Jesus Christ.

Paul Edwards: Help me with this—the emerging church prides itself on conversation, having a conversation, so let's have a conversation. How can you have a conversation with someone, when you're not even speaking the same language?

John MacArthur: Let me just cut to the chase on this one: [Doug] Pagitt is a Universalist. What he was saying is real simple. He was saying when you die your spirit goes to God and judgment means that whatever was not right about you, whatever was bad about you, whatever was substantially lacking about you, gets all resolved. It doesn't matter whether you're a Buddhist, a Hindu or a Muslim—doesn't matter whether you're a Christian really; we're all going to end up in this wonderful, warm and fuzzy relationship with God. That's just classic universalism.  


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